Mama Said...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Letter from the President...

Happy New (Club) Year!!

Well, the new (club) year is here!!! Can you believe it?! I can NOT…but, the slight drop in temperature has helped me to face the fact that summer is gone and it's time to get going with NAMC!!! 

Along with the "cooler" weather has also come very dry conditions and as we all know some extreme fires. I hope that everyone is safe and sound, and that all love ones and friends are as well. For the month of September, we will be accepting donations from our members of water, non-perishable food, clothing, gift cards, monetary donations, etc. Please visit this link to see what types of items are needed. These will be distributed through several channels in the community to help the victims of these tragic fires. We will be collecting items at the meeting on Thursday, Sept 8th, and at each playgroup this week. Please give what you can! 

We have a lot of great things planned for the month. Each one of our Special Interest Group (SIG) leaders have planned some fun events for Mom and kids! Please check our Facebook page, Events tab, for all the details. 

We will be hosting Game Night at the church after the Monthly Meeting on Thursday so plan to hang out a little while and play some games. I think we'll be playing Apples to Apples this week. That being said, we still need someone who can coordinate the Game Nights for the rest of the club year. This is not a huge job, mainly choosing dates for the event each month, selecting a location (has been at someone's house, at the church, or at a restaurant/coffee shop in the past), and choosing a fun game for the evening. This is a fun monthly event and we hope to keep it going for the year! So please let me know if you are interested in heading up this SIG. This automatically makes you a leader of the NAMC Board as well. 

We'll be discussing the "new plan" for meeting planning on Thursday, Sept 8th. But, for those of you who can't make it, here's a refresher. We will be dividing up the Membership list and dividing into groups to organize meetings.  The first meeting will be done by the Board, as well as the Last meeting and possibly the Holiday Celebration.  That leaves October, November, January, March and April.  These meetings will have a Committee or around 10 people for each one and will handle organizing food, drinks, set up, clean up, speakers, games and community outreach.  You don't have to attend this one meeting but you then need to volunteer for a piece of the meeting that can be done from home (for example, calling to set up a Speaker or dropping off something for the meeting).  Our thoughts are doing this will allow you the opportunity to meet some people who aren't in your playgroup.  It will also take the burden and responsibility off of one or a few volunteers.  Everyone will get a chance to participate and take ownership over some aspect of the club.  The Boards hope is that this will unify the club and make it even more fun for everyone! I'll be sending out the "Monthly Teams" as well as creating Google Groups for inter-group communication, and sending them out shortly. We appreciate your participation, it can ONLY make the club better!!! 

I think that is it!! Ha! I didn't even know ho much I had to say..I guess that goes to show you how excited about the new year I am!! I am looking forward to being the club president this year. I know it's lots of work, but I also feel great about all the wonderful women who will be helping lead this club as Special Interest Group Leaders and Board Members. And of course…all the wonderful women that we get to hang out with at all our events!! 

See you soon! 
